The advantages of buying an already constituted dormant company:
- Quickly performed: in less than 48 hours.
- You don’t need to invest the share capital.
- Shareholders’ identity privacy is upheld, given that the divesture of shares is not registrable in the Commercial Register.
- The company purpose is adaptable to the specific needs in the change of ownership. See the standard by-laws and multiple social objects of your companies.
- The possibility of domiciling your company in a Hosting centre (Domiciliation of companies with a basic Business Centre service).
- You can always change its name, keeping the same Tax ID Number.
Setting up Companies
You can also choose to set up a customized company
You can also choose to set up a customized company: What is the most efficient legal and tax structure from a personal and business viewpoint? Should I set up as a Limited or Limited Liability Company? Don’t waste time with queries and endless paperwork and allow us to help you set up your new company quickly and efficiently.
The usual time from choosing the company name until it is registered and is assigned a definitive Tax ID number can take weeks, even months unless the process is meticulously followed: sit back and use our services to achieve your goal efficiently and without delay.
We also offer a range of additional services that complement the excellent service we provide to our clients.
In order to set up any other type of company please contact us. Write to us or call us on 944 169 888
If you lack the expertise, save a lot of time and money by letting professionals do the work for you